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Governance, Staking, and Points Boost

What aspects of the protocol will we be governing?

Governance will include, but is not limited to:

  • Voting on new tradable markets
  • Paths for earning yield on PRCL while staked
  • Utilities to add for PRCL
  • Other strategic decisions as they arise

Will I earn any points just by staking PRCL?

Simply staking PRCL will not earn you any points. To earn points, you will need to trade, provide liquidity (LP), or participate in any of the points-earning activities.

I have already staked my PRCL, but I do not see it on my dashboard.

When users deposit $PRCL into a staking contract, there is a warm-up period. Staking commences at the start of the next epoch, and it is shown on the dashboard with a timer.

I am not able to create a staking account.

Please make sure you have approximately 0.04-0.05 SOL for the staking account rent fee. The dev team is working to allow stakers to have the ability to close this account and reclaim the fee. This feature will be added down the line.

Is there any APY for staking?

At this time there is not an explicit APY for staking. Please refer to the blog

for more information on staking and related utilities, which include but are not limited to:

  • Future boosts in PPP Season 2
  • Governance over certain protocol elements
  • Access to Parcl Labs API
  • PPP vesting schedule determination

Will the future trading competition points receive boosts?

Yes, but only the PRCL staking boost will be added to points won in trading contests.

Is there still a referral boost?

Referral boosts are discontinued in PPP S2, but the 5% boost (when a friend enters your code) will remain.

Will I earn boosts during the unlock periods of 2 epochs?

Yes, during the cool-down, holders will receive boosts. Once the cool-down is over, boosts will be removed.

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